Bailey Carr
"In The Night Swim, a new thriller from Megan Goldin, author of the "gripping and unforgettable" (Harlen Coben) The Escape Room, a true crime podcast host covering a controversial trial finds herself drawn deep into a small town's dark past and a brutal crime that took place there years before. After the first season of her true crime podcast became an overnight sensation and set an innocent man free, Rachel Krall is now a household name-and the last...
"In a United States not so unlike our own, the Department of Balance has adopted a radical new form of law enforcement: rather than incarceration, wrongdoers are given a second (and sometimes, third, fourth, and fifth) shadow as a reminder of their crime-and a warning to those they encounter. Within the Department, corruption and prejudice run rampant, giving rise to an underclass of so-called Shadesters who are disenfranchised, publicly shamed, and...
Appears on list
"Liz Baker and her three roommates work at The Nether Fields, a queer magazine in New York that's on the verge of shutting down-until it's bought at the last minute by two wealthy lesbians. Even though Liz is eager to leave listicles behind for more meaningful writing, she knows that she's lucky to still have a paycheck. But it's hard to feel grateful with minority investor Daria Fitzgerald slashing budgets, cancelling bagel Fridays, and password...
THE MUST-READ MULTIMILLION BESTSELLING MYSTERY SERIES—A GOOD GIRL'S GUIDE TO MURDER COMING SOON TO NETFLIX! • The final book in the series that reads like your favorite true crime podcast or show. By the end, you'll never think of good girls the same way again...
Pip is about to head to college, but she is still haunted by the way her last investigation ended. She’s used...
Pip is about to head to college, but she is still haunted by the way her last investigation ended. She’s used...
Appears on these lists
Pretty and popular high school senior Andie Bell was murdered by her boyfriend, Sal Singh, who then killed himself. It was all anyone could talk about. And five years later, Pip sees how the tragedy still haunts her town.But she can't shake the feeling that there was more to what happened that day. She knew Sal when she was a child, and he was always so kind to her. How could he possibly have been a killer?Now a senior herself, Pip decides to reexamine...
6) Kill Joy
Welcome to the murder mystery party of the year! Fans of the hit series A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder will love Pip’s final detective case in this mystery novella from #1 New York Times bestselling author Holly Jackson.
Six suspects. Three hours. One murder…
Pip is not in the mood for her friend’s murder mystery party. Especially one that involves 1920’s fancy dress and pretending that their town...
Six suspects. Three hours. One murder…
Pip is not in the mood for her friend’s murder mystery party. Especially one that involves 1920’s fancy dress and pretending that their town...
THE MUST-READ MULTIMILLION BESTSELLING MYSTERY SERIES—A GOOD GIRL'S GUIDE TO MURDER COMING SOON TO NETFLIX! • More dark secrets are exposed in this addictive, true-crime fueled sequel when Pip finds herself in another deadly case.
Pip is not a detective anymore.
With the help of Ravi Singh, she released a true-crime podcast about the murder case they solved together last year....
Pip is not a detective anymore.
With the help of Ravi Singh, she released a true-crime podcast about the murder case they solved together last year....
8) Saint X
"Hailed as a "marvel of a book" and "brilliant and unflinching," Alexis Schaitkin's stunning debut, Saint X, is a haunting portrait of grief, obsession, and the bond between two sisters never truly given the chance to know one another. Claire is only seven years old when her college-age sister, Alison, disappears on the last night of their family vacation at a resort on the Caribbean island of Saint X. Several days later, Alison's body is found in...