Daniel Craig
Unquenchably curious young reporter Tintin and his fiercely loyal dog Snowy discover a model ship carrying an explosive secret. Drawn into a centuries-old mystery, Tintin find himself in the sightlines of Ivan Ivanovitch Sakharine, a diabolical villain who believes Tintin has stolen a priceless treasure tied to a dastardly pirate. With the help of Snowy, Captain Haddock, and bumbling detectives Thompson & Thompson, Tintin will travel half the world...
With two professional assassinations in quick succession, James Bond is quickly elevated to '00' status. Bond's first 007 mission takes him to Uganda where he is to spy on a terrorist, Mollaka. Not everything goes to plan and Bond decides to investigate, independently of MI6, in order to track down the rest of the terrorist cell. Following a lead to the Bahamas, he encounters Dimitrios and his girlfriend, Solange. He learns that Dimitrios is involved...
In a wondrous parallel world where witches soar the skies and Ice Bears rule the frozen North, one special girl is destined to hold the fate of the universe in her hands. When Lyra Belacqua becomes the keeper of the Golden Compass, she discovers that her world and all those beyond are threatened by the secret plans of Ms. Coulter. With the help of Lord Asriel and a group of unlikely allies ready to stand at her side, Lyra embarks on an extraordinary...
With her father presumed dead, Lara must race to recover an ancient artifact that can alter space and time if not destroyed. She finds the key that will unlock the two sections that must be put together in order for the artifact to work. She must fight her nemises in order to restore harmony and all before the planets and sun align.