Frank Middlemass
Based on R. F. Delderfield's novel, this engrossing story of life at an English boarding school between the two World Wars, tells the story of a shell-shocked war veteran for whom teaching provides the means to heal his scars. It is an unlikely job for a Welsh miner's son without a degree, but David Powlett-Jones (John Duttine) proves to be a rare schoolmaster, as passionate about learning as he is about teaching. Through two tumultuous decades, Powlett-Jones...
Based on R. F. Delderfield's novel, this engrossing story of life at an English boarding school between the two World Wars, tells the story of a shell-shocked war veteran for whom teaching provides the means to heal his scars. It is an unlikely job for a Welsh miner's son without a degree, but David Powlett-Jones (John Duttine) proves to be a rare schoolmaster, as passionate about learning as he is about teaching. Through two tumultuous decades, Powlett-Jones...