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Idyll banter: weekly excursions to a very small town
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From the Book - 1st ed.
The yellow house on the corner of Quaker Street
Now that the cows are gone
Sowing the seeds with a little sprout
That roof didn't collapse : it's a home improvement project
Love blooms over the septic tank
Scenic barn is really a biohazard
Dead cluster flies serve as window insulation for the inept
City slicker gets a taste of country marketing
Theater, on stage and off, inspires young actress
Two types of writing
The center of town
Losing the library
Walk the postal route with a mailman to get to know the town
It's the cream cheese brownies that bring out the vote
The slowest driver in Vermont
Vermont has changed-but not its people X
Life, liberty and plenty of Charmin
Meetings messy by necessity
Village's center starts in aisle one
The school-playgrounds and classrooms
Drama lives in preschool Oz odyssey
It's not easy to be a kid
The thrill, the stress, the joy of the race
Isaac and Gus survive girl world
Inspiring teachers make education worth every penny
Will sleeping beauty wake for school?
A crush on your teacher is no excuse to act like a geek
Don't believe all you read : the kids are all right
A person can learn a lot from Ian Freeman
The local wildlife
Surly cow displays no remorse
Dead bat duty draws the line
Town's all atwitter about Rosie
It's not mind over matter-it's mind over manure
The case of the curious crustacean
An old cat's name alone conjured wondrous memories
The green-and then spectacularly yellow and red-mountains
Why the Green Mountains turn red
Vermont ready to be mired in spring
Spirits live at Bartlett's swimming hole
The Vermont woods look different without any leaves
Snow colors Vermont in beauty
Cheating death in the ap-gap
Sugarers signal end of winter
Select numbers show a changing Vermont
A church with a weathervane atop the steeple
A fender bender with baby Jesus?
Clouds can't hide the sun on a spiritually bright Easter morning
Faith gives a child serenity
Marriage weds love to laughter
- Thank you, friend, for guiding me deeper into my faith
The cemetery
Of memory and hope
A passing of history and hospitality
An elegy for the state's finest Red Sox fan
How a family copes with loss : building love on little white lies
Farmers Fletcher and Don Brown knew how to grow community
A family's farewell to tiger
Brief excursions away from Lincoln
Untethered in Spain, set free on Route
Flirtatious Minnie pulls up her hem
Midlife crisis results in taking part in the weenie triathlon
Rice pudding and French editor help novice cyclist survive
A gardener can take pride in those $17 carrots
Before books on tape there was mom
At Denver's Gate B52 when the world was transformed
Talking then, talking now
Candy hearts would have bewildered Armenian grandparents
- On Mother's Day, grandmother briefly returned
The ladies' room just inside Tomorrowland : a short story.
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Bohjalian, Chris Author
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