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In which the author walks readers through what happened in the days, the years, the centuries, and the million years after the impact of the 7 mile wide asteroid that brought an end to the Cretaceous period and its famous dinosaurs. Drawn from the latest science to track the sweeping disruptions that overtook the impact area as well as the rest of the planet, this book reads like a personal account of the event.
7) In the past
Chronically organized by epoch, a poetic introduction to the dinosaur world illuminates a host of creatures both novel and familiar, ranging from the mysterious trilobite to the famed Tyrannosaurus rex.
9) Megalodon
"Engaging images accompany information about the megalodon. The combination of high-interest subject matter and light text is intended for students in grades 2 through 7"--
"Dino" Don Lessem brings readers face-to-face with various dinosaur species, detailing their habitats, way of life and how they became extinct. An acclaimed dinosaur expert, Don Lessem has written more than 30 children's books, writes a popular dinosaur column in Highlights magazine, and was an adviser for Jurassic Park. Take a trip through dinosaur time to meet these sea giants face-to-face: The Archelon was similar to a turtle, but its shell was...
Oscar le mammouth et Omrsby le rhinocéros sont deux rivaux, capables toutefois d'unir leurs forces pour sauver leur chère amie Arabella, qui s'est aventurée dans une grotte habitée par un humain, en pleine tempête de neige! -- Une histoire amusante et des personnages drôles. Illustrations originales et dynamiques.
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